Glad nie sleg nie …
Month: July 2009
Wat was jou eerste rekenaar?
Na aanleiding van ‘n inskrywing van Jo-Ann waar sy praat oor haar eerste rekenaar, het ek dit goed gedink om bietjie te skryf oor myne. En hier gaan ek sekerlik my ouderdom weggee en die jonklomp van vandag gaan nie ‘n “clue” hê waaroor ek praat nie.
My eerste rekenaar het ek aangeskaf in, ek dink 1978. Dit was nog die dae voor PC’s. Dit was ‘n Apple II wat min of meer so gelyk het.
Daai skerm wat julle daar sien was groen gewees en dit het een of ander vorm van Basic gehad. Die floppy drives was, ek dink, 128KB en ek het net een gehad. Ek kan nog onthou dat ek ‘n huis finansies program geskryf het en ‘n hele 3 kopers gehad vir die ding.
My volgende rekenaar het ek in 1981 aangeskaf en die was ‘n IBM PC wat in Suid Afrika gemaak is met die naam Psion. Dink hulle bestaan lank nie meer nie. Hierdie rekenaar met 2 floppy drives and 640KB geheue het my seker naby die R8000 uit die sak gejaag wat baie geld in daai dae was — geen hardeskyf nie.
Vandag staan hier 3 rekenaars, waarvan een ‘n laptop is, in my huis. En alles is genetwerk en met die druk van ‘n knopiie kan mens basies enigiets in die hande kry.
Die beste ding wat verander het vanaf 1980, toe daai PC, DOS op gehad het en later Windows, is dat daar geen Microsoft/Windows op enig van my rekenaars is nie en dat alles wettig is en my nie ‘n sent gekos het nie. Ja ek gebruik net Linux (Ubuntu), by die huis en by die werk.
Laat hoor van julle wat julle eerste rekenaar was en wat julle vandag gebruik.
How cute — love to have one.
One of these was parked in front of my neighbours house this morning. Do’nt you think it is cute. Do not know if the yellow is my colour though .. something in red I think.
It is called a Diahatsu Copen. Just the ideal thing for city driving and then on warm summer days, the roof down and enjoying the open air with somebody special — hmmm now where is that somebody special again 🙂
This is what it looks like with its roof down
Technorati Tags: daihatsu copen, car, small
You know what happen if you not the boss …

Picture say it so much better ..
Ice cream on flight in winter
I flew back from Johannesburg to Cape Town on a BA flight yesterday afternoon after spending a week in Johannesburg. How do people stand that cold .. I will rather take the wet in Cape Town than that cold in Jhb .. I almost froze to death.
On to the ice cream. Instead of peanuts and whatnot, we got dished out icecream. You know those Magnum ice cream on a stick, only small versions of it. These ice creams were frozen rock solid and it was a laugh watching the people trying to eat these. Trying to bite pieces of was just impossible except for the chocolate coating on the outside. This was the first time that I was given ice cream on a flight and it was actually very nice. Just a pity it was such a small one. What I find interesting is that they serve ice cream in the midst of a cold winter and come summer these ice creams are nowhere to be seen. Will never understand that thinking.
Overall the flight was a very pleasant and fun flight .. very friendly lady between myself and Andre on the flight and was not offended by the jokes we cracked about the woman pilot. Yes, we had a woman pilot and obviously all the woman pilot jokes and comments came out. Must say that she, the woman pilot, was actually good. The landing was not to bumpy and she missed most of the air tirbulance.
I am just happy to be back home in good ol Cape Town .. Jhb really sucks.
Technorati Tags: ba, flying, magnum, ice cream, cape town, johannesburg, woman pilot
What you need to know about Project Management.
Project Management Truths:
- A project is one small step for the project sponsor, one giant leap for the project manager.
- Good project management is not so much knowing what to do and when, as knowing what excuses to give and when.
- If everything is going exactly to plan, something somewhere is going massively wrong.
- Everyone asks for a strong project manager – when they get him they don’t want him.
- Overtime is a figment of the naïve project manager’s imagination.
- Quantitative project management is for predicting cost and schedule overruns well in advance.
- Good project managers know when not to manage a project.
- All project managers face problems on Monday mornings – good project managers are working on next Monday’s problems.
- Metrics are learned men’s excuses.
- For a project manager overruns are as certain as death and taxes.
Technorati Tags: project management
Upgrade to WordPress 2.8.1
Have just upgraded this blog to version 2.8.1. If you notice anything that is not what it seems to be or broken then please let me know.