Today I played around with the zoom on my Canon SX10. Here are some of the results:
100mm F5.7 1/500s ISO200 Auto Metering: Pattern WB: Auto
This was taken at the maximum optical resolution of 20x (560mm equivalent) with no digital zoom. To give you an idea, this guinea fowl were about 200 meter from where I took the photo. Not bad at all.
This is the same quinea fowl as above and the photo was taken from exactly the same spot. Only difference was that I added 2.28x digital zoom to it. That is about 1276mm equivalent.
100mm F5.7 1/500s ISO200 Auto Metering: Pattern WB: Auto
To be honest, I was very surprised at the quality of the digital. One read and hear so much about how useless digital zoom is, but from the above it sure has its uses when one needs to get in closer to your subject.
Technorati Tags: optical, digital, zoom, canon, powershot, sx10