Mom, I still want to play.

After the wet weather we had in Cape Town over the last week or so, it was a glorious sunny day today.  A mother and her son was making use of the sun in the veld just outside my place.  One could see that the little boy only started to walk a while ago since he fell down every couple of steps.

He enjoyed his time so much, when it came time to go home, he was not a happy chappy and had to be carried home crying.

More photos can be found here.

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DTP #10: Op my voorstoep

Aan die een kan van waar ek woon is die Tygerberg Natuurreservaat

en aan die ander kant is die Altydgedacht Wynplaas.

Waar anders as net hier in die Kaap kan mens so naby die stad bly en tog ook die natuur op jou voorstoep hê. Op die boonste foto, aan die linkerkant, is ‘n rivier wat reg voor die uitgang van die kompleks is waarin ek woon.  Op lieflike somers dae soos vandag hoef ek nie ver te loop om die natuur te geniet nie.

Windows Live Messenger and gMail invites

I have a couple of Windows Live Messenger and gMail invites available.  If you want an invite then send me an email to marius.bock at with either “Windows Live Messenger Invite” or “gMail Invite” in the subject line.  I will give them out on a first come first serve basis.  If they gone they gone!!!

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