I just love my coffee and being a Canon fan, this is just up my alley:
Tag Archives: canon
Cat in window — no worries in the world.
Every morning when I get up and look out my bedroom window, I saw this cat sitting in the neighbours window. He/she just sits there and stares … I always wonder what he/she look at and what is going on in it’s head.
Click on image to enlarge.
Why can’t our lives as humans not be as simple. This cat probably has no worries in the world and is as happy as can be.
This picture was taken with my new Canon PowerShot SX20IS which I received earlier this week as replacement for my stolen camera. Except for cropping and resizing, I have done nothing to that picture.
Canon Powershot SX10 IS — playing with the zoom
Today I played around with the zoom on my Canon SX10. Here are some of the results:
100mm F5.7 1/500s ISO200 Auto Metering: Pattern WB: Auto
This was taken at the maximum optical resolution of 20x (560mm equivalent) with no digital zoom. To give you an idea, this guinea fowl were about 200 meter from where I took the photo. Not bad at all.
This is the same quinea fowl as above and the photo was taken from exactly the same spot. Only difference was that I added 2.28x digital zoom to it. That is about 1276mm equivalent.
100mm F5.7 1/500s ISO200 Auto Metering: Pattern WB: Auto
To be honest, I was very surprised at the quality of the digital. One read and hear so much about how useless digital zoom is, but from the above it sure has its uses when one needs to get in closer to your subject.
Technorati Tags: optical, digital, zoom, canon, powershot, sx10

Sunrise with my new toy – Canon SX10
Are we seeing the start of Winter in the Cape?
This is the mist and clouds that came rolling over the hill this morning. Are this the end of Cape Summer and start of Winter.
These photos were taken with my new Canon PowerShot SX10 IS with no editing at all. All that I did was to re-size the images.
Technorati Tags: winter, canon, sx10, powershot

Photos: Canon SX and 5D
Still Camera shopping – 1000D vs SX1
A while ago I blogged about buying a new digital camera. At that time it was the Canon EOS 1000D that got my attention.
Over the past week Canon announced the Canon Powershot SX1 IS and that seems, for what I need, a much better camera.
Although it does not have interchangeable lenses, it does come with 20x optical zoom which equates to a range of 28 – 560 mm. If I wanted the same on the 1000D, it would mean some big zoom lens which will cost an arm and a leg. The SX1 comes with the same CMOS sensor and DIGIC IV processor as the 5D Mark II which gives this Powershot 4FPS continuous shooting and full HD 1080p video at 30 FPS.
The SX1 just seems a much better option that 1000D at probably the same price range. The one thing the SX1 does not have is RAW shooting but an amateur like me does not need that.
There is the SX10 also that is very similar than the SX1 but with a CCD sensor and without the HD video.
Although the 1000D is available now, I will wait a bit (December) till the SX1 become available. The SX10 should be available around November. I will then pay ORMS a visit and compare these cameras.
Comments welcome – what do you think?
Time to buy a new camera!!
For a while now I have been contemplating buying a new Digital Camera. The question was first whether I should buy a Point and Shoot or a DSLR. I eventually decided, if I am going to buy then I can just as well do a good job of it so settled for DSLR. The next thing to do was what DSLR having decided that it will be a Canon. I was between a 400D and a 450D and then the 1000D made its appearance.
Read more about the camera here.
I have heard good things about the camera and from the 3 (400D, 450D and 1000D), it seems to be the best value for money. Anybody has any different ideas about it or why I should not buy it? Also if you know of any place that has the best price for it then please let me know.