Found Stormhoek at Checkers

As mentioned yesterday, Stormhoek is now available at your nearest Checkers.  Went down to my nearest Checkers (Willowbridge) earlier today and found some Stormhoek Pinotage 2006, as can be seen from the pic to the left.  Click on it for a larger one.

Will enjoy some of it this evening .. will post my view of it afterwards. 

Now for that T-shirt and would not mind the supply of Stormhoek for a year either.

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Yippee, Stormhoek in the Retail stores!!!!

After drinking some Stormhoek wine at 27dinners, I always wondered where to buy some.  Now it is available at Checkers according to this post.

You can even add Stormhoek as your Facebook friend and hopefully you will end up with a Stormhoek T-shirt. Hope mine is in the post 🙂

It is great to eventually be able to get some.  I will make sure to pop into my nearest Checkers tomorrow morning to see if they have stock.  That will be the Checkers at Willowbridge.

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