Month: September 2009
One big line of Green — rugby
This picture, table say it all …
Courtesy – Off the Hoox
Technorati Tags: rugby, springboks, world cup, tri-nations
Win my shopping list at Old Mutual.
Want to win my shopping list at Old Mutual Investment Credit Card?
You will find a camera, LCD TV and lots of other stuff on the list.
Technorati Tags: old mutual, shopping, win, credit card, investment
4 day week — I can live with that.
According to this article on NewScientist
The four-day week could boost employment, save energy and make us happier.
If one really think about this, it makes a lot of sense. In the state of Utah, they actually experimented with it and energy fell by 13% and employees were much happier, even though they worked the same amount of hours in the week.
Now I just wonder if my company, IBM will allow me to do this. Then again we can in any case work from home if and when it suits us. It is a known fact that around the world, IBM only has office space and desks for about 50% of their staff. The rest, either work on customer sites or at home.
Technorati Tags: 4-day week, ibm, work
Never, ever get on the wrong side of a cat.
Woman run nature, like in the weather !!
I love Jeremy’s cartoons and today’s one was a classic again.
If you cannot read the text, click for bigger.
Good one Jeremy.
Technorati Tags: jeremy nell, cartoon, woman, the biggish five
If you think nobody cares, you are right.
Well, what can I say — Superman :)
My results:
You are Superman
You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Technorati Tags: personality, superhero
Lara Smit – Boernooi: school theater – Durbanville High
My daughter is in the Durbanville Highschool theater group and they have a 1-act play that made it through to the finals of the ATKV competition that will be held at the end of this month at Aardklop in Potchefstroom. Only 10 plays from accross the country made it to the finals in Potch. Aardklop.
Click image to see bigger one.
This is the group of youngster that will make the trek all the way to Potch and show the world how good they are. My daughter is the one 5th from the left in the back row. She play’s the role of the grand-mother and also the school teacher.
I have seen this play a couple of times and it is really good. It you in the Potch area on 29 and 30 September, then go and support them.
Technorati Tags: lara smit, boernooi, durbanville, school, theater
Want a houseboat, use your old caravan :)
Do you have an old caravan that is standing in your backyard and you do not know what to do with it. Here is an idea:
Image via There, I Fixed it.