Are we seeing the start of Winter in the Cape?

This is the mist and clouds that came rolling over the hill this morning.  Are this the end of Cape Summer and start of Winter.

These photos were taken with my new Canon PowerShot SX10 IS with no editing at all. All that I did was to re-size the images.

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DTP #8: Visitors in the morning

Guinie Fowl

These Guinea Fowl come pay me a visit every morning.  They are part of a large group that roam the area where I live.

The guineafowl (sometimes called guineahen) are a family of birds in the same order as the pheasants, turkeys and other game birds and is native to Africa.

Magic Forrest – natuur of my voorstoep.

Magic Forrest
Foto geneem deur Marius Bock met Nokia N80

Hiedie is geneem by ‘n dam wat  basies op my voorstoep is waar ek bly.  Dit word Magic Forrest genoem en is in Van Riebeeckshof net langs die Spar winkel kompleks.  Dit is so rustig daar en heerlik om net daar te gaan stap langs die dam en deur die ‘oerwoud”.  Wees net versigtig vir die fietsryers wat in die nou bospadjies af kom.

Checky birds next to my house

Originally uploaded by Marius.

Went for a stroll today and in an open area next to where I live, I found this 2 birds (in afrikaans they called a kiewiet) which made a hell of a noise as I walked past. The one even had the cheek to chase me. I did not hang around, did not want to disturb them just in case there was chicks or eggs around.

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