Eventually — change of theme.

After years of using the same theme which does not support widgets, I have decided to eventually update my theme and join the new world order.  You might see some changes over the next couple of days until I have decided on a look and what works for me. I want to keep it simple.

If you happen to find something that does not look correct or has broke then please let me know via the comments.  Suggestions are also more than welcome.

Upgrade to WordPress 3.2 having to resort to Manual upgrade mode.

I have just upgraded this blog to WordPress 3.2 and for the first time in a long while I had to revert to the manual method.  While doing the automatic upgrade, I got a Server 500 error (seems to be a common thing with DreamHost) and was left in maintenance mode.

Getting rid of the maintenance mode was easy – just delete the .maintenance file in the root of the blog.  But the failed upgrade left the upgrade in an unstable state – some files were upgraded while other were still at their old versions.

I then just went through a manual upgrade using FTP and now everything seems to be back to normal running WordPress 3.2.

If you spot something out of the ordinary then please drop me a comment so that I can have a look at it.

Happy reading.

The day this blog made the front page of Slashdot – fame at last.

In the techie world, making the front of Slashdot is a big thing or for some, a really bad thing.  The bad thing is that it can bring your server to its knees with the amount of traffic it can send your way .. luckily in my case that did not happen. The big thing is that you are on the radar for a while and if you lucky (which I was), also get a few Google ad clicks.

As mentioned before, I got slashdotted and here is a screenshot to commemorate that occurance. 

This screen capture is from my Google Reader RSS feed of Slashdot.  The highlighted piece above is the text that was link to my blog post

While I am typing this, the pageviews of that post and other posts on my blog are still climbing.  It will be interesting how long the traffic will last and to what levels it will return? Interesting times for a little blog like mine.  Would it not be nice to have this kind of traffic each and every day?  Think 6000 visitors per day can generate a fair amount of advertising income.  Should I re-consider my day job? 🙂 .. think not.

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Blog survived due to Pigeon Race – got Slashdotted :)

Looking at my blog stats this morning, I almost fell off my chair.  To give you some idea, the traffic on this blog is less than 50 pageviews (around 40 visitors) a day and yesterday and overnight it skyrocketed due to a Pigeon I wrote about.

The Pigeon article alone has almost 4000 views at the moment and here is some graphs that show my blog traffic over the past couple of days:

Blue: Pageviews – Yellow: Visitors
From:  Google Analystics

This is from WordPress Statistics.

So where did the traffic come from:

Yes, as can be seen, I got Slashdotted and my blog survived.  Here is the story on Slashdot: http://idle.slashdot.org/story/09/09/08/1414248/SAs-Largest-Telecomms-Provider-vs-a-Pigeon?from=rss. It was even on the front page of Slashdot for a while.

What I am really glad about is that I moved this blog not so long ago to a new host.  If this was the old host, it surely would not have survived.  My new host, Dreamhost, handle this kind of traffic without any problems.

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Moving this blog.

This Blog will be moving from it’s current home to a new home over the next week or so.  So if you happen to be the 1 or 2 people that is reading my blog and cannot find it then you know why.

The server where I am currently hosting is just getting too unreliable and I think it is a good time to move to my Dreamhost server where my other blog is already hosted.

PS. If you happen to host with or planning to host with SAHOSTPLUS.COM then please re-consider.  Their support is non-existant when something goes wrong.

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Searching for new theme for this site.

Over the past couple of days I was searching for a new theme for this site.  Looked at a lot of them but none is really what I have in mind.  My main requirements are as follows:

  • Must be fluid width — ie not fixed width.
  • 2 column with a sidebar on the right
  • Also have a footer sidebar — does one call it a sidebar or footbar 🙂
  • Must be widget ready.

If you have any ideas or suggestions then please let me know.