12 Reasons to be proud to be a geek

  1. Geeks make more money
  2. Geeks are smarter
  3. Geeks pay attention.
  4. Geeks remember what matters.
  5. Geeks pick out the best gifts.
  6. Geeks put in the extra effort.
  7. Geeks are better lovers.
  8. Geeks get the best gadgets.
  9. Geeks will nurture the child within.
  10. Geeks are the new handymen – except that they’re good at what they do.
  11. Geeks are trustworthy
  12. Geeks are a refreshing and attractive change from the regular stock

All this according to Geeks are Sexy.

So now if somebody calls you a geek then just shrug your shoulder knowing that you have all these things going for you.

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What a week!!

The past week was a real up and down week for me.  The week started off reasonably well with me going back to work and getting stuck into catching up with all the things that pilled up during the break.

But from Wednesday things got hectic.  Wednesday afternoon my daughter went into hospital for what was to be a routine operation.  Having her tonsils taken out and some work on her sinus and nose to remove some blockage.  The operation was suppose to take less than 2 hours but lasted almost 4 hours.  The sinus/nose part went fine but there was some complication with the tonsils part.  Over the past couple of months she had problems with her tonsils and they could only operate when it was properly recovered.  This was not the case and they found it to be still infected and swollen.  Lets hope that they got all of it out.

So Wednesday night was spend between the hospital and home with almost no sleep.  This is where I am so happy to have a very special friend that was prepared to go through the night with me.  I cannot even think how I would have gotten through the night without this special friend.  Thanks again .. you know who you are and I just hope you understand and know what your company meant to me.

Thursday was a very tough day seeing my daughter in pain and knowing that I cannot do much for her.  This and the fact that I was over tired meant that I did not have much sleep Thursday night either.  Seeing my daughter yesterday much better and knowing that she is over the worst made things much better.  Had a good nights sleep and am feeling much better today.

This week I came across an amazing photographer in South Africa, Andre van Rooyen. Here is one of my favourites ..

© Andre van Rooyen

Tafelberg se kleed wat afgesak het.

Table Mountain
Foto deur Marius Bock met Nokia N80

Het familie gaan besoek in Melkbosstrand gister en op pad terug het ons gestop by Jimmy’s Killer Prawns in Blouberg. Dit was ‘n koelerige laat Saterdag middag en Tafelberg het hierdie wolke gehad wat nie bo-op gelê het nie maar rondom die berg met die bokant van die berg wat uitgesteek het.

Ek het ‘n bord “prawns” gehad en my vriendin “calamari”.  In beide gevalle was dit heerlik gewees alhoewel ‘n bietjie aan die duur kant.

Robert X. Cringely and IBM!

From time to time I read Robert X. Cringely’s column, and though I mostly do not agree with him, I find what he say interesting. In his latest column about his predictions for 2008, I found this interesting and since I work for IBM and Global Services, it is a bit worrying.

6) IBM will have several quarters of bad earnings, will try to sell Global Services to private equity firms who don’t really want it, then end up financing the transaction itself to save Sam Palmisano’s job.

Global Services (GS) in IBM is made up of Global Technology Services (GTS) and Global Business Services (GBS).  Now I have to wonder whether Mr Cringely is talking about the whole of GS or only GTS or GBS in particular.  As far as I know, over the past couple of quarters and years, GTS was the best performing division in IBM and in general outperformed all other divisions.  So I have to wonder why Mr Cringely makes a prediction like this?  He does not say on what he based his predictions, so to me it just looks like stabs in the dark.

As we all know, services is a growing trend in the IT industry and more and more companies turn to some form of outsourcing of their non-core business.  This is what GS does and I cannot see that IBM would ever get rid off it.  IBM is acquiring companies everyday that supports their Services business.  What will IBM do with this companies if and when they get rid of GS .. this just do not make sense.