Why you should not call in sick and go play golf?

One Sunday morning, a priest wakes up and decides to go golfing. He calls his boss and says that he feels very sick, and won’t be able to go to work.

Way up in heaven, Saint Peter sees all this and asks God, ”Are you really going to let him get away with this?”

”No, I guess not,” says God.

The priest drives about five to six hours away, so he doesn’t bump into anyone he knows. The golf course is empty when he gets there. So he takes his first swing, drives the ball 495 yards away and gets a hole in one.

Saint Peter watches in disbelief and asks, ” Why did you let him do that?”

To this God says, ”Who’s he going to tell?”

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Weekend of sport!!

Was a really interesting sports weekend from my perspective.

The Stormers won their second game on the trot away from home.  Who would have thought this.  For a team that blows hot and cold, this is a good start to their tour in Australasia.  Lets just hope they keep it up but to be honest, the first 2 games was against weaker teams.

Tiger Woods did it again by winning the 2008 Arnold Palmer Invitational with a birdie in the 72nd hole. Woods tied Ben Hogan with the third most PGA TOUR career victories with 64. The amazing thing is that we are in March already and Tiger has not lost this year yet.  Every tournament that he has started this year, he has won.  This must be real scary for other players when they see his name on the entry list.

Formula 1 stated this weekend in Melbourne, Australia and what a disastrous weekend for the defending champions, Ferrari and Kimi Raikkonen.  The race was won by Hamilton in his McLaren. I just hope this is not an indication of the season to come, since then it is going to be a very boring season.  At least the BMW team did show some improvement from last year.

And the Proteas (South Africa cricket team) moved to the number 1 spot on the ODI world rankings going past Australia.  I do not know whether that really means anything since they got there by beating the worst test team, Bangladesh, in the world.  But I suppose it is the same for all teams so it is something.

Dit en dat oor die afgelope paar dae/weke …

Ek was maar redelik stil op die blog en party van julle dink seker ek het van die aardbol af verdwyn.  So gou gaan julle nie van my ontslae raak nie, ek is nog steeds hier rond.  Dinge by die werk is redelik besig en my persoonlike lewe was maar op en af soos ‘n “yo-yo”.

Laat ek eers my sê sê oor die weer .. ek hou nou nie veel van die winter en die nat nie maar die hitte was darem erg.  Veral Sondag se bedompige weer, ek sal nooit in Durban aard nie.

Saterdag het ek gaan golf speel.  Was darem vir ‘n verandering nie te sleg nie en ek het heel eerste afgeslaan – 7uur. So het darem die ergste warmte gemis.  Voor 12 al op die stoep gesit met ‘n yskoue  bier en die ouens wat toe afgeslaan het jammer gekry.

Voor ek golf toe is, hier rondom 6 uur het ek op my balkon gestaan en die son’s opkoms gesien:


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RSS feed update – 14 August 2007

Since the weather here in Cape Town is real miserable today, I will give you another batch of items from my feedreader.

Picture of the day — The Trifid Nebula in Stars and Dust which is 3000 lightyears from earth.

Credit and Copyright: R. Jay GaBany (Cosmotography.com)

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Eerste golf in amper 7 maande.

Vandag weer vir die eerste keer in amper 7 maande gaan golf speel.  Ek het by my tuisklub, Bellville gaan speel.

Eers die weer.  Met die begin was die weer perfek.  Bietjie toegetrek, koelerig en ‘n ligte windjie wat gewaai het. Na 15 gatjies begin dit toe mos te reën.  Ek hou net niks van om in die reën te speel nie ma het ma deurgedruk want dit het maar lig gereën.

Wat die golf betref was dit maar nie watse wonners nie .. ek het darem 7 maande laas gespeel.
Bellville golf 1
Vanaf die 15de bof .. ja mens moet oor die water en vandag kan ek darem se ek is sonder probleme daar oor.

Daar was goeie houe, briljante houe en ook baie slegte houe.  Op die ou einde het ek 94 bymekaar geskraap en siende dat ek ‘n 19 voorgee is, is dit seker nie te sleg nie.
Bellville golf 2
Die 9de putjie se bof met die klubhuis in die verte.

Die enigste bal wat ek verloor het was op die 9de putjie waar ek die bal regs buite perke geslaan het.

Die fotos is met my Nokia N80 selfoon geneem.  Glad nie sleg vir ‘n selfoon kamera nie.

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