Super 14 and Fun in the Sun!!

image What were they thinking, and here I am talking about that 15 Stormers that were on the field yesterday.  What a bunch of wallies … I have not seen a bunch of guys that for 80 minutes had no idea what they were doing.  On yesterday’s performance they do not deserve to be in the semi’s.

Well done to the Sharks that showed how it should be done.  Good luck to them and let us all go out and support them next weekend against the Waratahs.

Over the past week, I have spend 3 glorious days in Sun City courtesy of IBM for great work delivered during 2007.  I was one of the lucky one’s that stayed in the Cascades hotel and what a joy.  I was not like Tertia and spend basically all my allowance provided by IBM.

Went on a game drive early on the first morning and almost froze to death but what a great drive.  Got to know a elephant … the driver had to quickly start the vehicle and move away so close the elephant got.  Also was treated to a baby white rino, “rooikat”, zebra, giraffe, impala and various other wildlife.  Unfortunately we did not get to see lions or cheetahs.

Went on a walk through the Sun City forest over hang bridges and through waterfalls.  The photo above is from behind the waterfall.  Bet you did not know you can walk behind waterfalls in Sun City.

For those that know me, no I did not play golf.  We could not play the Gary Player course since there was a Pro Tournament on at the time and I do not like the Lost City course so decided to give golf a skip.  Above is picture of the 9th hole on the Gary Player course and below the Lost City course taken from the tower on top of the Palace of the Lost City hotel.

imageOn the first evening we went to watch the show, Let There be Rock, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  One pity is that they played no Queen music which was a bit weird since I cannot see how you can have a Rock music show without Queen.

Both evenings we had gala dinners and on the second evening people partied till in the wee hours of the morning. I was not that brave 🙂

Lounged around the pool, sipping cocktails and beers.  Spending time with friends.  Just had a great 3 days away from the office and did not had to worry about work and all the other things that is going on in my life.  Thanks IBM, I really enjoyed it and appreciate the gesture.

A friend of mine will be spending the next week there on a conference.  M, if you read this, take some time out from the hectic conference life and just enjoy some of what Sun City has to offer.

You can see all the Sun City photos on my Flickr stream.

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The moon, rugby and friendship.

Today is full moon and it poked its head over the mountains fairly early today.  Here is what I captured with my cellphone – excuse the quality.

Early moon

image How about the Stormers yesterday beating the Hurricans.  This win moved the Stormers up to 4th on the log.

Next weekend the Stormers are up against the Highlanders that got beaten by the Bulls.  Lets hope that the Stormers can bag 5 log points by beating the Highlanders and run in more than 4 tries.


Over the last couple of days I have been thinking about friendship and relationships and all that I am left with are more questions than answers.

  • When does a friendship stop being a friendship only and become a relationship? Is there one defining point where one moves from one state to another?  How does one knows this?
  • Does it mean that when one is in a relationship, other friends become less important?
  • Why is being in a relationship so much more complicated than being just friends?
  • Can one be great friends with somebody while that person is in a relationship with somebody else?  Or if that other person is just very interested in somebody else?

South African bags a major!!

Trevor Immelman won the US Masters early this morning South African time.  Although he had a bumpy fourth round (so did everybody else) he held on and beat Tiger by 3 shots.

This is the first time since, I think, 1976 that somebody won the US Masters leading from the start.  Trevor was the leader at the end of each and every round.  Another interesting fact is that it is the first tournament this year that Tiger entered and did not win.  He got damn close but Trevor did enough in the first 3 rounds to keep him out.

And how about the Stormers?  Lets hope they can keep it up in their next couple of games and move up to at least 4th on the log to play in the semi’s. Here is the log after this weekend’s games.  As you can see, about nothing between 3rd and 8th position on the log.

Weekend of sport!!

Was a really interesting sports weekend from my perspective.

The Stormers won their second game on the trot away from home.  Who would have thought this.  For a team that blows hot and cold, this is a good start to their tour in Australasia.  Lets just hope they keep it up but to be honest, the first 2 games was against weaker teams.

Tiger Woods did it again by winning the 2008 Arnold Palmer Invitational with a birdie in the 72nd hole. Woods tied Ben Hogan with the third most PGA TOUR career victories with 64. The amazing thing is that we are in March already and Tiger has not lost this year yet.  Every tournament that he has started this year, he has won.  This must be real scary for other players when they see his name on the entry list.

Formula 1 stated this weekend in Melbourne, Australia and what a disastrous weekend for the defending champions, Ferrari and Kimi Raikkonen.  The race was won by Hamilton in his McLaren. I just hope this is not an indication of the season to come, since then it is going to be a very boring season.  At least the BMW team did show some improvement from last year.

And the Proteas (South Africa cricket team) moved to the number 1 spot on the ODI world rankings going past Australia.  I do not know whether that really means anything since they got there by beating the worst test team, Bangladesh, in the world.  But I suppose it is the same for all teams so it is something.

Naweek in Gauteng of liewers in Pretoria.

Wat besiel ‘n uit en uit Kapenaar om ‘n naweek in Pretoria te gaan deur bring.  Wel 2 dinge basies (OK, Louise, ek sal nie basies sê nie):

  1. Genooi deur ‘n goeie vriendin en hoe kan mens nou nee sê.
  2. Aangesien almal van heinde en verre die Kaap oorgeneem het vir die Argus, toe besluit ek maar om ‘n ander rigting in te slaan.

Laat Vrydagaand Johannesburg to gevlieg en die aand rustig verkeer.  Saterdagoggend fietsryers lughawe toe geneem wat die Argus kom ry het, en hulle het goed gedoen.  Neil het klaar gemaak in net oor die 3 uur en Andre om en by 4 uur.  Daarna by die Dros gaan iets drink en die laaste deel van die Stormers rugby wedstryd gekyk.  Dat ek nou heel pad Gauteng toe moes gaan om die Stormers te sien wen.

Die weer was redelik warm in Pretoria en het so bietjie afgekoel in die swembad.  Dis hoe die huis lyk waar ek gaan kuier het.
MH huis 1

Sondagoggend gespandeer in een van Pretoria se kwekerye wat seker die grootste kwekery is wat ek nog gesien het.  Mens kan die heel dag daar spandeer onder die groot bome en allens besigtig wat mens ookal mag begeer vir mens se tuin.  Hier is paar fotos van die plek.  Ja tot Koi visse ook.
PTA-kwekery 3

PTA-kwekery 1

PTA-kwekery 2

Sondagaand laat weer terug gevlieg huis toe en soos maar deesdae die inding is met vlieg was die vlug natuurlik vertraag.

Een van die beste dinge van so ‘n wegbreuk naweek is dat ek geen rekenaar naby gehad het nie en punt gemaak het om geen e-pos/twitter/facebook te volg nie.

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Hoekom is Roos nie voor tugverhoor nie?

Vanoggend toe ek werk toe ry sien ek die volgende teen die lamppale:

  • “Schalk Burger cited”
  • Schalk voor tugverhoor”

Dis presies wat ek gister gesê het en ek het net een vraag – Hoekom verskyn Willie Roos nie voor ‘n tugverhoor nie?  Is skeidsregters en lynregters verhewe bo die reëls van rugby?

Stormers – Super14: Wie dink Willie Roos is hy?

Oor die algemeen dink ek slegte skeidsregters/lynregters besluite balanseer hulself uit oor ‘n wedstryd of 2 maar wat die afgelope 2 weke deur ‘n ene Willie Roos gedoen is verdien ‘n opinie.  Eers was dit hy wat eenoogig geblaas het in die wedstryd tussen die Stormers en die Bulle en op die uiteinde die Stormers van ‘n oorwinning beroof het.  Almal het Rassie Erasmus beskuldig van suur druiwe toe hy vir Roos beskuldig het.

Gister as lynregter in die wedstryd tussen die Sharks en die Stormers was dit weereens hy maar die keer as lynregter.  En ek praat nie net van die Schalk Burger geval nie.  Bolla Conradie is vlak voor hom deur ‘n Shark speler met die elmboog geloop en hy het absoluut niks daaromtrent gedoen nie maar hy sien oor die hele breedte van die veld iets wat Schalk nie eens gedoen het nie.

Dit was goed om te sien toe Schalk terugkeer van sy 10 minute dat die skeidsregter hom onverskoning vra maar dit maak nog nie die situasie reg nie.  Dit het 10 teen 1 die Stormers die wedstryd gekos.

Dit is hoog tyd dat net soos spelers uitgewys kan word na die wedstryd en voor ‘n verhoor moet verskyn, dieselfde met skeidsregters en lynregters moet gebeur.  Hoekom kan ‘n skeidregter en lynregter nie ook vir ‘n paar weke geskors word as hulle blatante foute maak nie en spanne van oorwinnings beroof?

Dit sal intressant wees om te sien wat met Schalk en Willie Roos hierdie week gaan gebeur!  Ek het so ‘n voorgevoel dat Schalk oor die vingers getik gaan word en in alle waarskynlikheid geskors gaan word en Willie Roos gaan skotvry daarvan afkom.

En voor iemand vra, ja ek is ‘n Stormers ondersteuner maar wat verkeerd is, is verkeerd.  Julle is welkom om jul opinies te gee.