Ratatouille – my impressions

Yesterday evening I went and watched Ratatouille at Tygervalley.  Made an evening of it and had some dinner at The Dros in Willowbridge, although one of the biggest restaurants around, I like to go there.

Back to Ratatouille – I love going to watch animation movies, must be the inner child in me.  When comparing to other animated movies like Happy Feet, Nemo, Ice Age 1 & 2 and The Incredible’s then Ratatouille is close to the bottom of the list.  Yes it was very entertaining, very well made but it did not grip me.  I just knew what was going to come next, no real surprises in the story line. Ok once or twice there was a scene that made one jump. I can remember that somewhere in the movie I was actually a bit bored. 

Overall I would give it somewhere between a 6.5/7 out of 10. 

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Geekdinner – Cape Town – 27 September & Wikimania

Tonight is the  Cape Town Geekdinner which I cannot attend for a second time in a row due to other commitments.  It is a pity that I will be missing this one since it is also Neil’s birthday — congrats Neil.

Also, Cape Town has put in a bit for hosting the 2008 Wikimania Conference.  It is now down to 4 cities and the decision date is 6 October.  There is still a lot to do before then so if you can help at all then please contact Ian (wikimania2008@greenman.co.za).

IOL Technology has an article on it to give you some more background.

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Traffic Jam and RSS feed update – 26 September 2007

Sir Lowry Traffic

The photo on the left was a traffic jam we ran into coming down Sir Lowrypass just before Somerset West.  Luckily I was not in a hurry and I must say that I was impressed with the behavior of the other drivers.  Actually thinking about it, all the way from Plett, all the drivers were courteous and most sticked to the speed limit.


Image: Marius Bock taken with Nokia N80

Onto tidbit from my RSS Feed reader:

Sunrise over the Hottentot Mountains:
Sunrise from home
Image:  Marius Bock taken with Nokia N80 

I did it !!! weekend without TV and laptop.

I went away for the longweekend to Plett and had a very relaxing weekend.  Will post some photos later.

What I found rather amazing is that I went the whole weekend without ever switching on the TV and opening my laptop.  Yes I missed the rugby between SA and Tonga (believe it was not a good game) and the semi’s and final off the Twenty20 cricket.  I do now know that India won, congrats to India.

The bad thing of a weekend like this is that email build up (although most of that is SPAM) and have an RSS reader with almost 2300 entries.

It was good just to break away with good company and just have a great weekend.  Thanks to those that spend the weekend with me, you know who you are :).

Today is back to the grindstone and trying to do 5 days work in 4 days.

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Only one word today — useless chokers – ok 2.  And every sports loving South African knows what I am talking about.  Less than a week ago we all mocked the Poms when we beat them first in the Rugby and then the Cricket. 

How difficult can it be to get to 126 runs, but then when winning is the only thing this bunch think about, they do not care about the longer term like rather losing this one so just to play tomorrow again..

Hope this is not an omen of what is to come in the Rugby — that one game that SA have to won and then they go on to loose it.

South African winery makes wine for Microsoft ..

Another coup for South Africa.  Stormhoek, which is situated just outside Wellington is producing a white wine in Microsoft’s honour.

The wine was created for Microsoft and its employees.

Hugh MacLeod, a cartoonist, blogger and marketing strategist for Stormhoek, created the Blue Monster image after getting to know Microsoft employees.

Read more on this on the gapiningvoid site.

If this wine is anything like the other Stormhoek wines I have drank, I would recommend you trying to get hold of some.  Any Microsoft employees out there that can pass a bottle on.

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Wikimania, Rugby World Cup 2007, Twenty20 and RSS update

Currently there is a bid on the go to host Wikimania 2008 in Cape Town and it is driven by Ian.  Ian needs all the support he can get so please contact him if you can help in any way.  Ian, please contact me should you need any assistance.

How good was it to see the Boks kick the Poms ass on Friday evening.  I am sure that today the same will happen in the Twenty20.

A while ago I commented about the spy saga in F1.  This past week McLaren was found guilty and stripped of all their constructors points and fined $100 million dollars.  Why Alonso was not punished, I do not know since I believe he had a hand in all this?

Onto my RSS feed update:

Today, instead of a picture I am including the famous Youtube video shot in Kruger Park of the Buffalos, Lions and crocodile.

The minnows at it again — Twenty20 cricket

As a follow-up to my earlier post, Bangladesh send the West Indies packing.  Just shows one, never ever underestimate anybody or anything.

The West Indies together with Australia were the earlier favorites.  West Indies is gone and Australia lost to Zimbabwe yesterday evening.  This makes life just a little easier for South Africa.

RSS Feed update – 13 September 2007

I am trying out the latest beta of Windows Live Writer and so far it seems to be good.  One little annoying thing is that the window for inserting Tags is a modal-window which means you cannot have it open to add tags while writing the blog.

While trying to recover from flu/cold and having time going through my RSS Feeds, here are some tidbits:

Space Shuttle Endeavour cuts a bright swath through the dark sky during this night-time launch in January 1998. Nearly six years earlier on Sept. 12, 1992, Endeavour blasted off, carrying Dr. Mae Jamison, the first African-American woman to fly in space, and Mamoru Mohri, the first Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut on a shuttle mission.

Image Credit: NASA