Greatodds is a sport’s betting site and a while ago I decided to have some fun with it. Now they have 1000’s of different bets one can do and it will probably take me a year to understand what is going on so I take the simple route. I have invested a small amount (very small – one round of golf cost me more) and place some bets about once a week or when I see something that take my fancy. Mostly it is betting on who the winner will be between 2 competing teams like the Super 14. Here is my track record so far:
The blue bar is how I did in the individual bets. The 3rd one is when I got it right in predicting Retief winning in America that week. So far I had 2 winning bets and 2 losing bets. The orange bar shows how I am doing overall .. currently I am down about 25%.
So instead of playing the lotto week in and week out, I took that bit of money and have some fun with it. Ok, I will not get stinking rich by winning a jackpot but at least I have fun playing and who know’s where it will end. As they say, maybe a little bit everytime will end up being a big lot :).
Technorati Tags: greatodds, sports, bet, gambling, lotto