Ernie did it again — World Matchplay

Ernie won the HSBC World Matchplay championship for a 7th time.  He beat Angel Cabrera 6 and 4 to win the title.

It is good to see Ernie back on a winning streak after being wayward for such a long time.

With all the tournaments that is coming up here in SA towards the end of the year, it does not mean anything good for his other opponents.

Congratulations Ernie, what a great way to show the Bok team how to beat Argentina. 


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RWC which we going to win and RSS update – 15 October 2007

How great was the win against Argentina last night?  Next week we can give the Poms a lesson in rugby again.  So my prediction was not spot on but I really do not care who we play in the final.  The main thing is that we there and that we will win it.

I have eventually cleared out all the backed up RSS entries in my feed reader.  Here is some interesting tidbits:

With summer getting nearer and just being a patriotic South African and Cape Townian.  How can one not love this place.